Wednesday, June 28, 2017

May You Be Blessed

Birthdays for me are a bit challenging.  Every year I have high hopes of what the next year will be like, how I will grow personally, and how I can do my part to help others.  I usually set that bar pretty high, and of recent years, I have not been reaching it.  Not necessarily my choice, but nonetheless, not reaching it.  On the other hand, we survived another year, and that is very good.  We started this year a family of nine and Thank G-d, we are still a family of nine.  We have grown a year, learned a whole lot, made new friends, tried new things, and shared many good times together.  We are living a life I could not imagine in my wildest dreams, in positive ways and in other ways.  I feel a bit worn out, but hopefully that will pass soon.  I would like to share the blessings I wish for my family and for all of you as well.

May you and your loved ones be blessed with good health

May you be blessed with good Shidduchim

May you be blessed with good children

May you be blessed with prosperity

May you be blessed to see goodness and kindness wherever you look

May you be blessed with exceptionally good character

May you be successful in your studies

May you be G-d fearing and righteous

May you be hard working and responsible

May you be blessed with a joyful disposition

May you be blessed to sleep with a peaceful heart

May you be blessed to be successful in all you do

Keep your eyes and your heart open to all of the good in the world

Be part of all that is good in this world

Recognize the kindness of G-d and His people, and be forever grateful

Do not fear love, it is the foundation of all we hold dear.

Do not be afraid to break, there are parts to you that are unbreakable for they are your G-dly parts, and that is the essential you and all that really matters

Never give up on your dreams, you only fail when you stop trying

Know that you are loved in a way that goes beyond this world and its limitations

You are more precious then gold and diamonds and as holy as a Torah

I wish I could promise you that life will be wonderful and assure you that miracles will happen, but I do promise you that I will be right there with you, holding you up until you can stand on your own.

May we all be blessed to welcome Moshiach together very soon