Today is a fabulous day. It is the day we began writing our special Torah, 4 years ago in a beautiful Vinyard in Temecula. It is also the day Yitzi comes out with his fabulous marriage advice for men. He works so hard in the hopes of bringing couples closer together. I am really no match for him, but I would like to share a thought or two on marriage advice for wives. It's more important to have a beautiful marriage then to have the perfect husband. It is our choice weather we engage fully in our marriage or not. It is up to us to cherish what we have everyday, because who knows what tomorrow may bring. We need to recognize that our heart beats in our husband's chest, and when he is happy, our heart is safe. When he feels unappreciated and alone, our heart that he holds suffers. Be loving and creative in ways to connect to each other. Do not live in the past, live today and dream about an even better tomorrow. None of us are perfect and hopefully we all learned from any mistakes we have made. Let it go and be open to positive change. As long as there is life, there is hope for love, for connection, for companionship and for dreams. BE ALIVE.
As I write this, I am waiting to board a plane to Australia. I am so excited to meet so many people there, and I am terrified to go so far from Yitzi. He has given me his word he will be there waiting when I get back. I travel and speak because Yitzi believes I must and his faith in me has made me a much better person. This I believe is the most powerful gift G-d has given us. The ability to love so much you go beyond yourself. As this auspicious day comes to an end, I bless all of you to love and be loved so strongly that there is no room left for fear, for doubt, for hurt, for anger and for hate.